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My Call to Adventure

I had an interesting week last week. On Thursday, I had a table setup to sell books at the very successful Grown Up Book Fair sponsored by Ruby Rose Gallery.

I also offered to write haikus for people and had a lot of takers! At first, people are surprised by the offer, but then they are intrigued. I asked them to tell me a memory they'd want to remember. This usually brings up something very heartfelt and after a few questions, I get to work. It’s important to flex my writing muscles as much as I can and often I don’t allow time for it in my daily life. I enjoy writing poetry of any kind as I know it will connect me to people in a very special way. I never lose sight of this brand of magic. I did sell a few books and made some new friends. Thank you to Meg at Ruby Rose Gallery for putting together a wonderful group of bookstores, authors, Friends of the Cambridge Library and people who love books and reading.

Friday and Saturday, I attended a women’s retreat called “Mosaic” held at the picturesque Riveredge Nature Center. It was hosted by my good friend Kelly Thompson and Barbara Papamarcos. Mosaic in this case meant: we are all pieces of light, assembled together from our upbringing, our education, relationships, family, and our life experiences. At times, we may feel broken and unable to pull it together, overwhelmed and unheard. We might believe we aren't as magnificent as we really are, but we are all a patchwork of color, reflecting something precious and beautiful.

It was a gorgeous setting, exceptional weather, and a wonderful time shared with special women. It’s the type of event that elicits change for a better you, if you let it. We talked, journaled and created art. Emily, Jenny and Francine were at my table and the vulnerability and compassion all of these women showed toward one another was touching. I had a chance to share my poetry with them and they were very gracious. Jenny, who has been going through a tough time, told me I was the bravest person she’d ever met. She’s a retired nurse, and while my brain understands she gave me a compliment, my inner critic has a hard time accepting this as the truth. These women are great examples of how to follow your heart, find souls to help heal wounds, and lift each other up.

I have been writing songs lately and I wrote one this weekend, inspired by the event. I’ve been thinking a lot about women in particular who become empty nesters and are lost. They are no longer moms, but who are they? I ran into something by prolific author Joseph Campbell about a “Call to Adventure”. I need to read up on this, but I found a quote by him and it makes total sense to me. I thought I would go to college, find a wonderful job, get married, have kids and live happily ever after. That sort of happened, but with some epic twists and turns - some tragic, some amazing - but all a splendorous mosaic.

“Be willing to get rid of the life you’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for you.” Joseph Campbell

Let’s chat soon.

With affection,

Carrie VS

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