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Making New Memories

As you know, dear reader, I was in Vienna just two weeks ago. It feels like it was six months ago! I absolutely loved my time there and I would recommend Vienna to all. Airline travel is a bit challenging right now, but in this case, it was worth it. I have only positive things to say about the city, the people, the food and drinks, sights, atmosphere, architecture and the overall feeling of this place. At times, I was moved to tears by just being there. I couldn’t even unpack the combinations of emotions I was experiencing. It’s going to take time to let it sink in, and with any luck, produce poems that you and I can share. Coming back to my “normal life” was challenging due to the continual unrest in our country. There is a lot to unpack and ponder the differences between the US and Europe.

This weekend is special for a couple of reasons. One is that we’re celebrating our independence as a nation and it’s usually a very festive and jovial time for all. (And we get a day off of work!) The second reason is that we are gathering together to spend time celebrating my late husband’s mother Barb’s birthday. There will be a lot of family and friends to meet and greet on Saturday. I’m looking forward to catching up and I’m hoping I can convince a couple of them to let me share my tales of Vienna!

One of the people I’m sure to see there is Elaine. She is my late husband’s aunt, but I consider her my aunt and she’s very special to me. Her husband Johnny passed last year and I wrote this poem for her birthday. Time and connections are precious to me.

Wishing you a wonderful, festive, and safe holiday!


for Elaine

We’ll never know

how many cakes

Elaine frosted

for brides, expectant mothers, families of faith;

one flawless day

they could return to.

Her gift to family:

laughter and a grin

even on days overcast.

In early summer when we visited,

she and I marveled

at how the sun

touched fields and spun light

from the weathered roof of a cow barn,

quiet now

except for wind

whistling the metal bones of tractors.

We walked on in silence

through currents of wheat,

this was not the life we planned

but the one where we found each other.

Let’s chat soon.

With affection,

Carrie VS

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